Best Things To Do In Siem Reap Other Than Exploring The Ruins Of Angkor

Siem Reap

If you’ve always thought that Siem Reap is all about the ruins of Angkor, we’re here to tell you what else this gorgeous city has in store! From exploring the rural life to enjoying the culinary delights, rare flora and fauna as well as getting in tune with your spiritual side – there’s so much […]

Explore The Ruins Of Angkor: 3 Day Travel Itinerary & Tips

The ruins of angkor

Extending over approximately 400 and consisting of scores of temples, hydraulic structures (basins, reservoirs, canals) as well as communication routes – the Angkor Temple complex surely deserves to be explored at least once in a lifetime. Being lovers of ancient art, architecture, and ruins, we had Cambodia in our mind for quite some time […]